Dr Hamawy standing at front desk
Dr. Adam H. Hamawy

Dr. Adam H. Hamawy

Dr. Adam Hamawy is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, specializing in both aesthetic and reconstructive procedures.

man stretching on mountain trail
A Transformative Brand of Care

A Transformative Brand of Care

At PrincetonMD, we’re fond of saying “Experience the Difference” to explain our approach. We know that these days, clients have no shortage of options for achieving their goals. But not all practices are created equal. 

nurse helping patient
Our Staff

Our Staff

At PrincetonMD, we're dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness, regardless of where you're starting from.

nurse shaking patient's hand
Our Office Space

Our Office Space

At PrincetonMD, we believe that the patient experience is of the utmost importance. This includes the quality of care and physical space we offer.

woman smiling on busy city street


Discover what our clients say about their experiences at PrincetonMD on our Reviews page, where real stories reflect the quality and impact of our services.

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